

 Folks say in the therapy program that journaling is a positive coping skill and that it eventually helps if you keep at it.  It's been nearly two weeks since I wrote so...yeah.   My head is abormally shaped.  My skull, I mean.  I have massive lumps and bumps along with large flat swaths.  I remember falling and hitting my head twice as a child, but these lumps and bumps can't be from those, right? I always wanted to free myself from hair and just shave it all but I am too vain since my deformed skull would then have it's day.  I have an old school phrenology model - like the one below.  According to it, I am totally fucked.

Outpatient intensive therapy

Healthy coping skills didn't cut it this late afternoon.  I had to take a lorazepam.  It relaxed me. I feel like I faied, but I understand the need for self compassion, etc.  On weekends prior to starting the outpatient intensive therapy program, I would have to work very hard to get myself out of bed.  If I did, I would usually end up back in bed at some point during the day.  I have not done that in weeks and I consider this a win. I know that I must employ self compassion and a host of other tools that have been given to me in the last 4 weeks.  The program has been very educational but it really is like drinking from a firehose.  It's exhausing by the end of the day, and I now understand why the doctor doesn't want people working while fully emersed in the intensive program.  I appreciate the program and I am thankful for the insurance that covers it and the short term disability that allows me to take off work while attending this deeply impo...

Better but not?

 Is it possible to feel better and shitty at the same time? I guess if you are used to living a horrible level of depression and anxiety, it could be a thing.  Two hours ago, I realized I had not slept today.  This is a big win.  Now I am having a panic attack of sorts. 

THIS one will work?

 I have bought maybe 4 journals in the last month.  Each one I think, 'Maybe this one is THE one I will write in'.  Maybe THIS one has the right vibe.  Juju. As part of my recovery from mental illness I have learned that journaling is a coping skill - a healthy one - and I want to give it a fair shot.  Maybe physical journals aren't my jam.  Maybe my writing needs to be in blog.  So, here we go.